Phoenix Children’s nurses Cathleen Murphy-Taylor, clinical nurse attending, PICU and Noah White, clinical supervisor, Care Area 9, were recently recognized as finalists for March of Dimes’ Heroes in Action Awards – Arizona's Outstanding Pediatric Nurse of the Year.
We caught up with them to ask a few questions about their experience as finalists and learn more about their roles at Phoenix Children’s:
What did it mean to you to be a finalist at the March of Dimes' Heroes in Action – Arizona Awards?
Noah: It was a tremendous honor for me to be selected as a finalist. I told my wife that I was excited to go to the event but didn’t expect much more than a nice dinner. So, when I was selected as a finalist I was in shock. Additionally, with how challenging this year has been, the extra hours everyone has put in and the difficulties we have faced, it was validation of the work I have put into my patients. Honestly, I feel like every nurse that worked during COVID-19 at Phoenix Children’s has gone above and beyond and is more than deserving of being a finalist in pediatrics. I’m glad I was able to represent the hospital and my floor in all the hard work we have done.
Cathleen: So flattered and humbled; I work with an amazing group of nurses in the PICU, and we all want what's best for our patients.

Pediatric nursing is challenging under typical circumstances. How do you manage working in clinical care during this time?
Noah: Not to overuse the phrase, but we are working in “unprecedented times.” While it is becoming the new norm, it has been challenging for me and everyone at Phoenix Children’s to navigate. Aside from COVID-19, however, it’s never fun to see kids sick. The best part about that is even though I might see patients and families on their worst days, I get to play a role in their healing process.
Cathleen: The challenges I face are how to best navigate and share information in a busy unit and organization.
With these challenges in mind, what motivates you to continue providing care? Or, what is something you love about working at Phoenix Children’s?
Noah: The things I love most about working at Phoenix Children’s are my patients and my team on Care Area 9. We have an exceptional team on 9 that supports and pushes each other to perform at our best. And, working with kids, especially in the medical field, is a dream come true.
Cathleen: I love the development of this new role for Phoenix Children’s and the PICU. Every day is different and has new challenges, [but] I am so happy to be working alongside bedside nurses.
Formerly March of Dimes Arizona Nurse of the Year Awards, the Heroes in Action awards recognize outstanding nurses and maternal and infant health providers across Arizona.
And, congratulations again to all the other award nominees from Phoenix Children's, which included:
- Natalia Argel
- Shawna Baggs
- Kelly Bowman
- LaDon Dieu
- Danyel Dorn
- Sue Elliot
- Tracy Goldy
- Karah Hedquist
- Kathleen Hinkle
- Elizabeth Johnson
- Danielle Montejo
- Ashley Rollins
- Alicia Schmidt
- Danielle Sullivan
- Kara Woolgar