For many families, summer break has already begun. School is out, and as parents, you are trying to fill the countless available hours with some safe and healthy summer fun! Phoenix Children’s has put together a summer safety toolkit to address a variety of sun-safe topics that can benefit you and your kids. By following these helpful tips from our medical experts, you and your loved ones can explore all the world has to offer, even in the summer sun.
During the summer months, we often sign up our kids for various sports-related activities, so they can engage with new friends and improve their skills. Dr. Jennifer Gaitley, an orthopedic sports medicine specialist, shares How to Safely Exercise in the Heat and identifies various heat-related illnesses. So make sure your child enjoys sports and other activities this summer but does so safely in the heat.
Traveling somewhere? Our Injury Prevention team shares some vital Vacation Safety Tips: From Staycations to Destination Travel. Here, our team of experts summarizes safety information to keep children of all ages out of harm’s way when you stay in unfamiliar Airbnb or hotel spaces. Ilce Alexander, an injury prevention specialist, provides information on how to acclimate yourself to a new space and what to bring with you to be best prepared. Tiffaney Isaacson, a water safety expert, delves into drowning prevention and the importance of assigning a “Boss of the Pool” for all swimming sessions.
Hear from Dr. Wendy Bernatavicius, division chief of Complex Care and Adolescent Medicine and Brittany Miller, a Patient and Family Advisory Council member, who share Travel Tips for Kids with Complex Medical Needs. Learn how Brittany was able to grow her confidence in traveling with her daughter and she shares her family prep tips.
As an Arizonan, you know it’s virtually impossible to stay out of the sun. Our Dermatology team provides Safe Summer Skin Tips & Tricks to protect your skin this summer. Learn about sunscreen and sunblock and how to determine which might be best for your child.
Enjoy the summer fun and do so safely!