About Kristen L. Beebe, MS, PA-C

A professional, skilled and certified physician assistant with more than 14 years of specialized experience in pediatric and adult blood and marrow transplant and six years of specialized experience in adult hematology and oncology. In 2008, established a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, pediatric blood and marrow survivor clinic that now provides screening, preventative therapies and treatment for children following therapy. In 2016, established a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, pediatric chronic graft versus host disease clinic to standardize the approach to screening, treatment and management. Participant in the PBMTC working group for late effect clinical trials. Worked in partnership with the National Marrow Donor Program to create and publish the National Bone Marrow Transplant Survivorship Directory, a new patient and provider resource. Developing a transitional program for young adult survivors into the adult medical community for survivor care. Collaboration with Imerman Angels to bring one-on-one cancer support to our patients and families.

Medical School / Education

(Physician Assistant Degree and Masters in Medical Clinic Sciences) Midwestern University


Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital and Pediatric Specialty Center, Wellington, FL

National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Late Effects of Bone Marrow Transplant

Chronic Graft Vs Host Disease

Academic Affiliations

Assistant Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine at Mayo Clinic (Mayo Medical School)

Specialty Instructor, Child Health, Division of Hematology & Oncology at the College of Medicine - Phoenix (University of Arizona)

Professional Affiliations

Children's Oncology Group

Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium (PBMTC)

Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network

Rosen, GP, Beebe, KL, Shaibi, GQ. Vitamin D Levels differ by cancer diagnosis and decline over time in survivors of childhood cancer. Pediatric Blood Cancer 2012. Sept 28 PMID 23024106.

Survivorship Care and Management of Blood and Marrow Transplant

Psychosocial Issues and Care following Blood and Marrow Transplant

Vitamin D and cancer care

Graft vs Host Disease


Phoenix Children's Hospital - Thomas Campus

1919 E. Thomas Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85016

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