Medical School / Education

The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH


(Pediatrics) Columbus Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH

(Radiology) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA


(Pediatric Radiology) Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA

(Pediatric Oncology, Body Imaging) Visiting Professor, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA

(Nuclear Medicine PET/CT) Visiting Fellow, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, MO

Diagnostic Radiology, Subspecialty-Pediatric Radiology, American Board of Radiology

Pediatric Radiology

Diagnostic Radiology

Diagnostic Imaging

Cross-Section Imaging

Nuclear Medicine

Molecular Imaging

Cardiac CT

Oncologic Imaging

Outpatient Radiology

Cum Laude Society

Top Doctor recipient

Best Doctors database

Emeritis Staff, Medical City Dallas Hospital

Goodwin Cup for Excellence in the Sciences

Top Radiologists, Consumer Research Council

First Prize, 11th Annual Pediatric Research Forum

First Prize, Pittsburgh Roentgen Society Research Forum

D Magazine, Best Pediatricians and Pediatric Subspecialists

Academic Affiliations

Clinical Instructor, Radiology, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine

Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix

Professional Affiliations

Children's Oncology Group

Society of Nuclear Medicine

Society of Pediatric Radiology

American College of Radiology

Radiological Society of North America

Society for Computed Tomography and Body MRI

Abstracts in print:

Barnes C, Bailey S, Southard R, Vaughn J, Towbin R. MR arthrography of the shoulder in children: a pictorial review. Pediatr Radiol. (2011) 41 (Supp 1): S387-8.

Southard RN, Morris JD, Mahan JD, Hayes JR, Torch MA, Sommer A, Zipf WB. Bone Mass in Healthy Children: Measurement with Quantitative DXA. Radiology 179: 735-738, 1991.

Miketic LM, Southard RN, Vlock D. Metastatic Melanoma: Manifestations and Complications. Radiology 181 (P): 356, 1991

Abstracts/Scientific Exhibits:

Barnes C, Bailey S, Southard R, Vaughn J, Towbin R. MR arthrography of the shoulder in children: a pictorial review. Poster presented at IPR 2011 - 6th Congress and Exhibition of the joint Societies of Paediatric Radiology. London, United Kingdom, May 27-31, 2011.

Diagnostic and Cross-Sectional Imaging

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Cardiac CT

Oncologic Imaging, Outpatient Radiology Services

Practice Development


Phoenix Children's Hospital - Thomas Campus

1919 E. Thomas Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85016

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