Categorical Pediatric Program Curriculum

Phoenix Children’s Pediatric Residency Alliance (PCPRA) is participating in an ACGME approved pilot program and has transitioned to an X+Y block schedule. The goal of X+Y scheduling is to decouple inpatient and ambulatory experiences; this allows for residents to remain focused in a clinical area and reduce the number of transitions and handoffs needed.

In our X+Y schedule each resident will do 3 weeks of an “X” block followed by 1 week of a “Y” block. X blocks are typically hospital-based experiences such as inpatient wards, ICU, or ED. The Y block is focused on outpatient activities such as continuity clinic, the resident longitudinal experience (RLE), and rotations such as Community and Developmental Pediatrics.

X+Y scheduling has several benefits:

  • Significantly decreases number of patient hand-offs (residents will no longer leave inpatient experiences for continuity clinic)
  • Allows for decompression after more challenging rotations as every 3-week block is followed by an outpatient experience
  • Allows for more consistency in continuity clinic scheduling, ideally providing more continuity overall
  • Inpatient teams will no longer have the challenge of managing patients while 1-2 residents are in outpatient clinics

Curriculum By Year

Inpatient5 blocks (4PCH + 1VW)
Outpatient (call free optional)2 blocks (1PCH + 1 VW)
Newborn 2 blocks  (VW or St. Joseph's)
Emergency1 block
Well Baby Nursery1 block (VW or St. Joseph's)
Elective1 block

Inpatient Supervisor2 blocks
Inpatient Hematology/Oncology1 block
Outpatient Clinic2 blocks  (1 PCH + 1 VW) 
Critical Care2 blocks (PICU/NICU)
Emergency1 block
Elective Rotations2 blocks
Adolescent Medicine1 block
Community Pediatrics1 month (PCH)
Back up / Cross cover1 block
Vacation4 weeks

Inpatient Supervisor4 blocks
Back up / Cross cover2 blocks
Critical Care 2 blocks (PICU/NIUC/Red)
Emergency1 block
Elective Rotation3 blocks
Vacation4 weeks

Out of Training Chief Resident

Subspecialty Elective Experiences

Residents have seven rotations to choose a subspecialty experience beneficial for their career. Available options are as follows:

Allergy & ImmunologyEndocrinologyPathology
Breastfeeding MedicineGastroenterologyRadiology
CardiologyHematology & OncologyResearch
Cardiovascular Intensive Care UnitHospice & Palliative CareRheumatology
Child AbuseInfectious DiseaseSurgery
Child & Adolescent PsychiatryMedical GeneticsSports Medicine
Chiracahua Community Health (Rural Health)NephrologyToxicology
Cottonwood Community Clinic (Rural Health)NeurologyTuba City, Navajo Nation (Rural Health)
DermatologyOsteopathic Manipulative MedicineUrgent Care
Early Childhood Care Independent StudyPain Management