Pediatric Hospitalists at Phoenix Children’s coordinate the patient’s care with a team, including: physician specialists, pediatric nurses, case management, social work, nutritionists, respiratory therapists, pharmacists and Child Life specialists. Hospitalists respect the existing physician/patient relationship and understand they are a link between temporary hospitalization and the physician's ongoing care of the child.
The hospitalist team consists of full-time faculty members in general pediatrics, with assistance from pediatric residents.
- The physician is the attending physician of record who is responsible for the care of any patient in the hospitalist service. The hospitalist will see the patient everyday and maintain the medical record.
- When you refer a child for admission, tell the admitting office you wish to use the hospitalist program. Use of this program is OPTIONAL for each individual admission, and our medical staff physicians can always continue to admit patients to their own service.
- Within 24 hours, a member of the hospitalist team will send a fax to your office indicating our initial plans for evaluation and management. We'll also include information about how you can easily communicate with us by fax, phone or email.
- You'll be asked to let us know your preferred method of being updated and how often you wish to receive updates on your patient's condition.
- Immediately upon your patient's discharge, you'll receive an initial discharge summary via fax. The formal Hospital discharge summary will be mailed to you.