Improving Access to Specialty Care
The demand for pediatric specialty care has grown throughout Arizona, often leading to long wait times for in-person appointments. To help make it easier for patients to receive certain treatments now, instead of waiting months to see a specialist, primary care providers can request an electronic consultation (e-Consult) with some Phoenix Children’s specialists in Dermatology, Gynecology and Endocrinology.
You can submit your request by selecting Patient Referrals, then go to the On-Demand Booking tool. In the “Notes” section of your request in the On-Demand booking tool, please provide the best and most direct phone number(s) for our specialists to reach you during and after business hours.
Frequently Asked Questions About e-Consults
If you’re new to our e-Consult service, you may have questions about getting started and what to expect. Below, you’ll find the answers you need:
You can request an e-Consult the same way you’d book a patient appointment for the Phoenix Children’s specialty services listed below: By logging into our On-Demand Booking tool, selecting a specialty and then choosing the “e-Consult” appointment type.
You’ll be able to upload any applicable files such as medical records, lab results or photos.
In the “Notes” section, please summarize why you’re requesting the consultation. You should also include the best phone number(s) for our specialists to reach you directly – or let us know if you prefer to receive a written report only, instead of a phone call.
Please allow up to five business days for a response. This allows enough time for our specialists to review your request and any associated patient records, then document and provide their recommendations.
The consulting specialist will send you a written report including their treatment recommendations and other clinical guidance as needed. They will also attempt to reach you by phone so you can discuss their recommendations and have the opportunity to ask questions.
In addition to providing complete patient demographics, make sure the attached records include the following information; if any of the information below is missing, there may be a delay in completing the e-Consult:
- A description of the problem, including signs and symptoms
- The specific area(s) affected
- How long the issue has been present
- The patient’s current prescription medications (oral, topical, etc.) as well as over-the-counter medicines and supplements
- A list of any medications used to treat the presenting issue (past and current)
- Any known medication allergies
- The patient’s medical, surgical and family history
- Any relevant lab or pathology test results, or imaging reports
- Photos (for dermatology e-Consults only)
- Bone age reports/growth charts (for endocrinology e-Consults)
Yes. CMS requires that you, the referring provider, receive verbal consent from the patient before requesting an e-Consult. Be sure to document this consent in the patient’s record.
Yes. As the referring provider, you should obtain verbal consent from your patient prior to requesting an e-Consult. Although Phoenix Children’s bills the patient’s insurance for an e-Consult, the charge is less than that of a new patient in-person visit – and the patient still receives a specialist opinion without having to travel to (or wait for) a traditional appointment.
While e-Consults are not as lengthy as face-to-face visits, the time it takes to review patient records and provide medical advice is considered a reimbursable service by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The cost billed to each patient’s insurance plan varies. Similar to traditional billing practices, we will bill insurance and patients may be responsible for any remaining balance. It depends on factors such as their out-of-pocket responsibility, the complexity of the issue and the number of records that must be reviewed. Keep in mind that patients pay less for an e-Consult than they would for a face-to-face new patient visit.
Types of e-Consults We Offer
Phoenix Children’s offers e-Consults with physicians from a growing number of specialties, including those listed below. Underneath each specialty type, we’ve provided criteria to help you determine whether your patient can benefit from an e-Consult.
Dermatology e-Consults are ideal for complaints and conditions easily visualized via photographs. These include:
- Acne
- Acute skin rashes
- Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
- Birthmarks
- Lumps and bumps
- Skin infections such as warts, molluscum and tinea
Please note: Our dermatologists cannot perform skin checks, conduct skin cancer screenings or evaluate moles without dermoscopic images. Patients in need of these services should be referred for an in-person visit.
Dermatology Photo Guidelines
Please upload clear photos that are free of any shadows that could detract from proper visualization of the skin. Photos should also be taken against a solid (nonpatterned and non-busy) background.
Gynecology e-Consults are appropriate for numerous concerns, including:
- Abnormal hormonal labs
- Contraceptive options
- Heavy and/or frequent periods
- Irregular or infrequent menses
- Menstrual suppression
- Questions about birth control pills, including side effects
- Questions about STI testing or treatment
- Vaginal irritation or discharge
Endocrinology e-Consults can be requested for patients with various endocrine-related disorders or concerns, including:
- Abnormal labs
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Bone disorders such as osteogenesis imperfecta
- Elevated BMI
- Growth concerns
- Obesity
- Pre-diabetes
- Puberty
- Thyroid hormone levels
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes