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James W. O'Neil, MD

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James W. O'Neil, MD

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About James W. O'Neil, MD

Dr. O’Neil is a Board certified pediatric ophthalmologist. He treats a broad spectrum of pediatric ophthalmology disorders with a caseload of more than 10,000 surgeries in nearly 30 years of practice. Clinical milestones include being an early adopter of telemedicine, and the second ophthalmologist in the United States to perform remote retinopathy of prematurity screenings to prevent blindness in premature infants. Dr. O'Neil has clinical publications in scientific medical journals, and has developed patented vision assessment applications currently in use throughout the world. In 2003, Dr. O’Neil co-founded VisionQuest 20/20 [a 501c(3) non-profit] which has facilitated vision screenings of over 2,000,000 schoolchildren using computerized vision screening software Dr. O’Neil designed. Other volunteer activities include serving on the national A.A.P.O.S. vision screening community, and Eyes on Learning medical advisory board.
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