Symposium Details
The symposium will begin at 8 a.m., MST and will go until 4 p.m., MST.
To successfully log-in, you will be required to enter a Zoom webinar passcode, all information will be provided in your confirmation email.
• Nursing focused presentations
• Concentrated format
• Variety of topics
The symposium will feature speakers who represent the critical care departments within Phoenix Children’s. The itinerary is a relatively new format that breaks traditional conference structuring. Each presenter will have a shortened time window to present on their topic. This condensed timeframe will give the audience an opportunity to focus on key concepts while being exposed to increased content. After each presentation, pediatric critical care nurses will ask questions on behalf of the audience to the presenter; as well as expand on the previous topic and how it relates to nursing practice. 
Continuing Education
To obtain your continuing education certificate, please complete the survey that will be sent to your email address. Please provide feedback on any areas that you enjoyed or felt could improve.
Special Thank You
  • Casey McMillian for having the idea for a pediatric critical care specific symposium and the dedication to see the idea through to what we now know as the Critical Care Nursing Symposium.
  • Dr. Anthony Willyerd for providing your clinical expertise and recommendations that helped create a professional event.
  • Lori Wertz for helping take an idea in a hallway to creating an event worth attending.
  • Mary and Mel for showcasing your professionalism and helping create an exciting event in the virtual climate we find ourselves in.
  • Jill Haydusko for providing the opportunity and space to create something from nothing and for supporting this endeavor.
  • Sandra Ortega for designing the logo that represents our event. 
  • Kaila Sherman and Ariana Diaz for organizing the marketing pieces of this puzzle and helping turn our event into a professional event.
Fun Facts
The logo is representative of the medical serpent and a warrior’s spear. As critical care nurses we should push the boundaries of our education, we should ask questions to better our understanding, and we should continually expand our knowledge in a variety of topics. By maintaining the highest level of expectation from ourselves, only then can we reach the tip of the spear.
Sandra Ortega, one of our PICU unit secretaries, helped design the logo based on loose concept sketches and brief conversations. 
Staff Shout Out
2023 was the fourth year our team organized a virtual event dedicated to critical care nurses. This is truly a grassroots effort. All the staff contribute many hours of their free time to ensure CCNS23 provided the highest quality experience and clinical content to the audience. This event could not come to fruition without everyone’s commitment and passion. THANK YOU for your time, energy and commitment to this event.
Webinar Communication
If you have technical difficulties outside of Zoom, please email kbradley [at] (kbradley[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com) for further assistance.