Patient and Family Rights
At Phoenix Children’s, we support the rights of patients and families throughout our hospital system. We are committed to providing the best care within our capabilities to every patient regardless of age, race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, abilities, cultural preferences, diagnosis, or capacity to pay. As a patient or family member, you have many rights, which are summarized here.
- We will treat you and your child with kindness and respect. We will make every effort to understand your culture, values, and preferences.
- We will honor your privacy and the privacy of medical information and records as well as personal and private property.
- Patients 18 years or older with decision-making capabilities can create a plan for future medical care (Advance Directive). You have the right to make this plan, and the hospital staff must follow it. Assistance is available through Phoenix Children’s Social Work.
- Medicare patients will get notices about coverage and their right to ask for a review of an early discharge, as well as a Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON).
- We will protect patient and family safety and provide access to security services.
- Patients will not experience any form of abuse, neglect, harassment, or unfair treatment during their care. This includes being protected from physical or mental harm, inappropriate restraint, or punishment.
- You have the right to access advocacy/protective services.
- Patients have the right to get help from a family member, representative, or another person to understand, protect, or use their rights.
- Patients can ask for their family member or chosen representative to be notified quickly about their hospital stay and for their doctor to be informed right away.
- We will provide appropriate care and support at the end of life.
- You have the right to file a complaint with any of the listed agencies without worrying about being treated unfairly.
- You have the right to be protected from anyone taking or using your personal belongings without permission.
- You have the right to consent to any photographs taken of you, except for photos needed when you’re admitted for identification or hospital records.
- Your health care team is committed to working with you to help your child be as comfortable and free from pain as possible.
- You have the right to staff who will listen, believe your pain reports, and quickly help with pain and treatment options.
- You can ask at any time what is happening to your child and why. Everything will be explained to you honestly, in a manner and language you can understand.
- You have the right to get information about your patient rights in a language or format you can understand.
- You have the right to know about your child’s condition and treatment plan.
- You have the right to see and review your child’s records with the patient care team.
- You have the right to ask for a copy of your own medical record.
- You have the right to privacy of your medical record.
- You can provide written permission to share information from your medical or financial records.
- You have the right to receive interpreter services free of charge. You have the right to detailed information about your bill.
- You have the right to know about our policies, procedures, and routines.
- You have the right to ask for a list of the hospital’s rates and charges required under A.R.S. 36-436.01(B).
- You have the right to ask questions and express concerns about the quality of care or services.
- You have the right to make a complaint in writing or by speaking to someone.
- You have the right to use Phoenix’s Children’s process to submit complaints and concerns anytime.
- You have the right to have your concerns listened to and taken care of.
- We encourage you to reach out to us if you have a concern. Please check the contact section for information on how to reach the hospital and any outside agencies.
- You have the right to make informed decisions and give written consent for all medical or surgical procedures, except in emergencies as determined by the medical staff or laws.
- Unless it is an emergency, you will be asked to consent to your child’s treatment, and you can refuse treatments if allowed by the law.
- You can refuse an exam or take back your consent before any treatment begins.
- We will always help you to protect your child. No matter what your decision, Phoenix Children’s staff will take good care of your child.
- You have the right to any information you need to make decisions about your child’s care. We will explain all options so that you can understand the benefits and risks of each decision. If you have a question or concern, we will work with you to solve it.
- You have the right to know what treatment options are available to your child, including educational and experimental alternatives.
- You have the right to be told if your child might be involved in research, experiments, or education.
- You have the right to take part in research or experimental care.
- You can ask for a referral to another health care facility if we can’t provide the care your child needs.
- You may ask for a second opinion from another doctor, including a specialist. You may ask to change hospitals or health care team members at any time.
- You can request advice when making difficult medical or ethical decisions about your child’s care. If you need this support ask to speak with a member of the Phoenix Children’s Bioethics Committee.
- Unless it’s an emergency, you’ll be told about other options for medication or surgery, along with the risks and possible problems.
- You have the right to receive care in a safe place.
- You have a right to know the names of those providing your child’s care.
- You can expect your infant, child, or teenager to be cared for by doctors, nurses, and others who understand children and their health care needs.
- Before your child leaves our facilities, we will teach you about the care your child will need. We will tell you about people and places in your community that can help you. Please let us know if you have concerns. We will work with you to find the best solution for your child and your family.
- You have the right to help make decisions about your child’s treatment, care plan, discharge plan, and pain management.
- Know what medications your child is on. Medication errors are the most common health care errors.
- Educate yourself about your child’s diagnosis, the medical tests she/he may undergo, and the treatment plan.
- Everyone caring for you and your child should have clean hands. If you do not see the doctor, nurse, or another health care provider clean their hands with soap and water or use a waterless alcohol hand rub when entering your room, it’s ok to say, “Excuse me, did you clean your hands?” or “Please wash your hands.”
- Let us know of changes you notice in your child. You are the expert in knowing if something is “not quite right.”
- Staff will check your child’s ID band before tests are done, specimens are taken, and medications given. It is ok to ask them to check.
- Pay attention to the care your child receives. Make sure your child is getting the right treatments and medications by the right health care professionals.
- Participate in decisions about your child’s treatment. You and your child are the center of the healthcare team.
- You and your family can visit during visiting hours, depending on any restrictions we may have.
- At the Hospital, you can decide who visits your child, and you can change your mind about visitors at any time.
- Visitors may include parents, family members, friends, or partners.
- The hospital will not stop visits based on race, color, origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
- Whenever possible, we will provide a place for at least one family member to be near your child at all times.
- If you choose, you can stay with your child during many health care treatments.
- We respect and support your right to observe your own social, cultural, and spiritual beliefs, holidays and rituals. A chapel is available for private
meditation or public worship. Your clergy or spiritual representative may visit you and your child in the Hospital at any time. - Trained health care workers are available to assist you with your emotional needs.
- You have the right to treatment that respects your child’s personality, choices, and strengths.
- We will consider your child’s developmental level, as well as all of your child’s interests and needs, not just those related to illness or disability.
- Your child has the right to privacy during treatment and care for personal needs.
- You have the right to use a phone.
- In the Hospital, we will try to keep your child’s schedule and activities as normal as possible. This includes uninterrupted sleep, quiet times, play times, school, and the comfort of family and friends.
Family Responsibilities
Families have specific responsibilities at any Phoenix Children's facility.
- You are an important part of your child’s health care team. You know your child best, and the information you have is very important. Please share information about symptoms, treatments, medicines, and other illnesses. We will plan together what is best for your child.
- You should tell us if you don’t understand something about your child’s care.
- If you are not satisfied with your child’s care, please tell us immediately.
- If you leave the Hospital, please inform your child’s nurse. Also, check with the nurse before you take your child off the unit.
- Your participation in planning your child’s care with members of the health care team is important.
- It is important that you understand the plan of care developed and are able to follow it. It is your responsibility to inform us if you don’t understand or can’t follow the treatment plan.
- Family-centered care means the health care team and your family agree upon a treatment plan that is best for your child. You have the right to ask questions and express concerns, and they will be addressed. Once we agree on a plan, we expect you to follow it. If you do not follow the treatment plan, we could discharge your child from Phoenix Children’s.
- You should try to make sure that your child’s bill is paid as promptly as possible.
- Medicare Recipients — you will be advised if the cost of your care exceeds what Medicare will pay, and you may be responsible for the balance.
- Your family is expected to respect the rights of other children, teenagers, families, and our staff.
- You should follow Hospital system rules about patient care and conduct.
- You are expected to use our equipment and facilities carefully so that they remain in good condition for others.
- You are expected to take care of valuables and personal items. Phoenix Children’s is not responsible for your personal items.
- You must observe all safety precautions and the no smoking policy.
- You are not allowed to record or take pictures of anyone, including staff, at any Phoenix Children’s location without their permission.
- Disruptive behavior and failure to respect the rights of others could result in involuntary removal from Phoenix Children’s facilities.
We respond to your concerns in a professional and timely manner
- If you should have a concern about your child’s care, please speak with a supervisor, manager, or director.
- You may submit concerns any time by calling the PCH Cares Line at (602) 933-0781 or sending an email to PCHCares [at] (PCHCares[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com).
- You will not be subjected to retaliation for submitting a complaint to the department or another entity listed here.
- In addition to using the Hospital’s complaint and grievance process, you may also send your concern at any time to:
Arizona Department of Health Services
150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 450
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-1025
DNV Healthcare USA Inc.
Attn: Healthcare Complaints DNV Healthcare USA Inc.
1400 Ravello Dr.
Katy, TX 77449
(866) 496-9647
Email: hospitalcomplaint [at] (hospitalcomplaint[at]dnv[dot]com)
Office of the Attorney General
Consumer Information and Complaints
2005 N. Central Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 542-5025
Email: consumerinfo [at] (consumerinfo[at]azag[dot]gov)
Medicare Quality of Care Complaints -
Livanta BFCC-QIO
HelpLine: (877) 588-1123
For Medicare beneficiaries seeking review by the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for quality of care issues, or need help in understanding Medicare rights
End-Stage Renal Disease Patients Only:
Health Services Advisory Group
HSAG: ESRD Network 15
3133 E. Camelback Rd., Suite 140
Phoenix, AZ 85016-4545
(800) 783-8818 grievance-process/
Thank you for choosing Phoenix Children’s for your family’s health care needs. For a list of prices for our frequent services, go to Billing & Financial Assistance.
For more information, you may contact a financial counselor at (602) 933-2000.
A copy of Phoenix Children’s Administrative Policy on Patient and Family Rights and Responsibilities is available upon request.