Time spent in the Hospital is intense and stressful for families, making it difficult to retain information. That is why we share a digital Journey Board with you.

The Journey Board is a tool designed to help you identify the important questions regarding care for your child. Every box on the Journey Board is something you may need to learn about such as "I can tell you about my child's medicines."

We want to make sure that when you take your child home, you understand your child’s condition, how to treat it, what problems to look for, and how to respond. We also want to make sure you know who to call if you have questions or concerns.

If you don’t understand something about your child’s care, don't be afraid to ask. If English is not your first language, please request an interpreter.

If your nurse or doctor does not give you a Journey Board, request one. Our Journey in the Hospital™ is a Journey Board appropriate for any diagnosis.

How to use your Journey Board in the hospital

Every day of your child's stay at the hospital, our medical team will talk to you about your child’s care. During these conversations, pick a topic on the Journey Board to learn more about and discuss it with the team. 

You do not have to do these in order. Do everything that fits your situation. Skip anything that does not fit your situation. Add your own questions. If there is something you do not know, but want to know, ask your nurse or doctor.

Each Journey Board also contains cues like, “Now that you’ve read this, tell your nurse or doctor how you would . . .” Ask questions, take notes and when you're ready, follow the cues to teach what you know back to your nurse or doctor. It is an opportunity for the medical staff to make sure they're communicating what you need to know clearly.

The Emily Center

We provide personalized health information, patient education, support, and guidance to help you navigate the healthcare journey.