Patient and Family Advisory Councils
Our Patient and Family Advisory Councils as well as our Patient/ Parent Workgroups collaborate as a team to promote positive change throughout the Phoenix Children’s network. Here are some of our recent notable accomplishments:
Family Community Resource Guides
Our PFACs and PPWGs continue to develop resource guides for families based on their immediate and future needs which can be found on our website:
- BNI Parent-to-Parent Tips
- BNI Parent-to-Parent Tips (Spanish)
- Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders (CCBD) Resource Guide
- CVICU - People Who Can Help Guide
- Wellness Resource
PFAC/ PPWG Year-End Virtual Meeting
Each year Phoenix Children’s stakeholders from the various PFACs — patients, families, administrators and physicians - come together with our CEO, Bob Meyer, to close out the year in celebration for all that these members have accomplished.