Research Institute

Clinical studies at Phoenix Children’s improves care and outcomes for patients in our local community and around the globe. In support of our researchers, dozens of program staff work behind the scenes. These team members include experts in:

  • Biologic storage
  • Biostatistics
  • Ethical research practices
  • Grant proposals
  • Research protocols
  • Scientific writing and framework
  • Statistical analysis

Research Core Services


The goal of our statistical consultation service is to facilitate and enhance the research of Phoenix Children's investigators. We provide instruction and the chance for trainees and staff to collaborate across the various clinical divisions.

Our team includes several graduate-level experts in research methods and statistical analysis. This team provides statistical support to investigators conducting innovative, high-quality studies.

Before we initiate any project, the investigator provides us with a working knowledge of the science, study protocol and other logistics of the study. These details help us decide the best statistical methodology for the study. We then collaborate with the investigator(s) to develop the:

  • Study design
  • Sample size
  • Power calculations for protocols
  • Grant proposals

We also can assist with:

  • Data cleaning
  • Statistical analyses
  • Interpretation of the results
  • Conclusions
  • Preparation of abstracts, posters and manuscripts to disseminate study findings

Scientific Writing

Our Scientific Writing Core supports studies performed at Phoenix Children's across each stage of the research process. Investigators bring their clinical expertise and research ideas to our team. Then we assist in persuasive writing, editing and formatting to best convey these ideas. Our team includes several doctorate-level research writers with expertise in a variety of topics.

We provide one-on-one consultations with investigators on:

  • Research design
  • Framing
  • Conceptualization

With assistance from the Grants and Contracts team, we can identify sources of grant funding for future research. We help draft federal, state and private/foundational research grant proposals. We also help investigators find the right journal for their research to be published, as well as editing and formatting for those manuscripts.

Our team hosts regular trainings and educational sessions through our Research Office Lunch and Learn program. These presentations cover topics such as:

  • Manuscript development
  • Literature reviews
  • Citation styles

We also provide other research support services, including the Human Research Protection Program and Biostatistics Core.

Laboratory & Biorepository

The Phoenix Children’s Biobank is part of our hospital’s main laboratory. Our Biobank provides state-of-the-art processing, storage and tracking of biologic materials. This includes blood and body tissue samples drawn during routine care.

These samples are saved to support a wide variety of clinical and research purposes. Rather than discarding the remaining biospecimens, they are safely and securely stored in our biorepository.

Upon approval by the Institutional Review Board, researchers can request biospecimen samples. These samples are used in studies that help discover new treatments and therapies. Studies include local, national and even international pediatric research needs.

Ours is one of few pediatric biorepositories in the U.S. accredited by the College of American Pathologists.

Patient families can learn more about our Biobank in this short video:

Human Research Protection Program

Institutional Review Board

The Phoenix Children’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) is charged with protecting the rights of human research participants. Their work promotes a culture of ethical and responsible research. Guided by the Belmont Report’s core principles of respect for persons, beneficence and justice, our two IRB panels review research in accordance with: 

  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations at 45 CFR 46
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations at 21 CFR 50 and 21 CFR 56

We are fully accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP). We operate under a Federalwide Assurance (FWA00003458).

IRB staff and chairs work closely with study teams to support our clinical investigators at all stages of the research process. For more information, please email us at irb [at] (irb[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com).

Grants and Contracts

The mission of the Grants and Contracts Office is to assist all members of Phoenix Children’s research community. We assure research projects conform to Phoenix Children’s policies and procedures and sponsoring agency regulations. Our work helps secure external support of research and teaching.

Our main responsibility is to work with members of the Phoenix Children’s community to compose, in a timely manner, a research portfolio that is:

  • Complete
  • Competitive
  • In compliance with internal and external guidelines

If you need assistance with a research grant, please email researchgrants [at] (researchgrants[at]phoenixchildens[dot]com).

If you need assistance with a research agreement, please email us at researchagreements [at] (researchagreements[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com)

Scientific Review Committee

The Scientific Review Committee is a sub-committee of our IRB. This committee includes research administrative staff as well as providers throughout the hospital who serve as peer-reviewers. Members review select research protocols submitted to the IRB to evaluate their scientific merit.

The Scientific Review Committee plays a key role at Phoenix Children’s. They ensure that our research best serves to improve care and outcomes for our patients and the broader community.