Patient and Family Advisory Councils

Our Patient and Family Advisory Councils as well as our Patient/ Parent Workgroups collaborate as a team to promote positive change throughout the Phoenix Children’s network. Here are some of our recent notable accomplishments:

Family Community Resource Guides

Our PFACs and PPWGs continue to develop resource guides for families based on their immediate and future needs which can be found on our website:

PFAC/ PPWG Year-End Virtual Meeting

Each year Phoenix Children’s stakeholders from the various PFACs — patients, families, administrators and physicians - come together with our CEO, Bob Meyer, to close out the year in celebration for all that these members have accomplished.

Other Projects

PFAC Dashboard

The PFACs are now able to preview the incremental change taking place within our system and track the overall progress of the goals set forth each year.

Provider Trading Cards

Inspired by our Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) trading cards, this year the PFACs began to create a pilot for physician trading cards.

BNI Card

Our very first Neuro PFAC worked with BNI care teams and leadership to create a card that families can present to the ED and inpatient, which triggers a consult with a specialist.

Advocate for Telemedicine

A member of our Neonatology PFAC interviewed and met with Governor Ducey about the importance of telemedicine and how it is has made and incredible difference to overall care.

CVICU Privacy Curtain

The Heart Center Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) recommended an “extra curtain” in the CVICU patient room to allow a private space for the parent/guardian.

PFAC - Recent Accomplishments

CAB's Colorful Hallway

The Children’s Advisory Board recommended a more “friendly, colorful” hallway in our south connector which is used to transport patients and their families to procedures and treatments. This project is currently underway!

Just Breathe Badges

The Cystic Fibrosis PFAC designed and implemented “Just Breathe” purple badges, which may be requested upon entrance to the hospital. This badge indicates to another CF family that a person within their group is living with CF.

Parent-to-Parent Tips

Patient and Family Advisory Council members created “parent-to-parent” tips on preparing for outpatient clinic visits.