The Breathmobile gives children the care, support and resources they need to safely and effectively manage their asthma.

Phoenix Children’s Breathmobile is a self-contained mobile asthma clinic that travels to Phoenix area schools and community sites. The unit provides asthma identification, teaching, treatment and follow-up care to un-insured children, as well as children who have limited or no access to care. The Breathmobile gives children the care, support and resources they need to safely and effectively manage their asthma.

When a child with asthma is exposed to triggers (things that irritate the lungs, such as smoke, dust, cats or exercise) their breathing tubes become inflamed or swollen. Their lungs then produce extra mucus, and the muscles around the breathing tubes tighten, which causes coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing and can sometimes be fatal.

What is the Breathmobile?

Breathmobile Staff Image Next to the Bus

The Breathmobile provides comprehensive asthma management for underserved children in Arizona. Children undergo a physical examination, education and a pulmonary function test (a breathing test that can tell how well the lungs are working). Children who are diagnosed with asthma:

  • Are given an asthma action plan, which is an individualized medication program in partnership with a medical provider.
  • Receive education on asthma self-management to help them care for their asthma at home.
  • Are given a follow-up appointment to ensure treatment is appropriate.
  • Are provided tools (spacers and medication) for treatment.

The Breathmobile program goals aim to:

  •  Decrease number of missed school days due to asthma-related problems.
  •  Decrease number of emergency room visits due to asthma.
  •  Decrease asthma related hospitalizations.
  •  Improve the quality of life for children who have asthma.

A successful asthma treatment program includes proper identification and diagnosis of asthma (which includes a medical history, physical and pulmonary function test), an individualized medication program made in partnership with a healthcare provider, education on asthma self-management, and ongoing follow-up with a health care provider to monitor the asthma and make changes in the plan as necessary.

Appointments Available

Telemedicine and in-person appointments are available Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, please fill out our questionnaire at

For other questions or more information please email us at breathmobile [at] (breathmobile[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com).

Thank You to Our Sponsors

The Breathmobile is supported by public grants for asthma management and care. Sponsors and supporters of the Breathmobile include Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, Vanguard Group Foundation and Niagara Cares.