Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) Program

The Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Program at Phoenix Children’s was created for one purpose — to provide the best care possible for babies with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).

BPD most often impacts premature babies who were born more than two months early with lungs not fully developed. Symptoms can include a bluish skin color (cyanosis), a cough, rapid breathing and shortness of breath. 

Thanks to improvements in care and treatment, most of these babies now survive. Long-term lung problems are possible, but most babies fully recover and go on to live healthy lives.

BPD affects the lungs, but it can affect other aspects of your baby’s health and life too. For instance, many babies with BPD must be fed via a stomach tube and later have a hard time feeding from a breast or bottle. 

Our nutrition specialists ensure that every baby we treat gets the optimal nutrition needed for health and growth, and we can help with feeding difficulties so that feeding time can become a stress-free bonding experience for you and your baby.

We can also help prevent and treat other complications of BPD, like:

  • Developmental problems, long neonatal intensive care unit stays or other aspects of care and treatment
  • Poor growth resulting from sickness or nutritional deficiencies
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs)
  • Long-term lung and breathing problems, such as lung tissue scarring or tracheo/bronchomalacia (weakening of cartilage in the large airways)