Location: Lost Canyon Young Life Camp in Williams, Arizona
Camp Rainbow is an annual summer camp for patients of Phoenix Children’s who have, or have had cancer or a chronic blood disorder. Every year, campers have the opportunity to enjoy fun and meaningful experiences with others in a supportive environment full of exciting activities. Camp Rainbow offers these kids and their families the opportunity to establish friendships and have fun.
Camp Rainbow is held for one week every summer. The camp session includes activities such as zip line and rock wall, arts and crafts, canoeing, fishing, swimming, archery and much more. Camp Rainbow welcomes patients of Phoenix Children's Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders who are ages 7-17. Campers are grouped in cabins based on age and gender.
The application opens for campers and volunteers in mid-December for the following summer.
Application Deadline: April 1st
Camp Rainbow Contact
Email: camprainbow [at] phoenixchildrens.com (camprainbow[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com)
Phone: 602-933-0157
Please email us if you would like to receive invites for future Rainbow Kids activities.