The Center for Spine Care at Phoenix Children’s is a national leader in the diagnosis and treatment of children with all types of spine disorders — from the simple to very complex. We see patients from Arizona and around the country.

Our highly trained specialists customize care for your child’s specific issues. Whether the solution is state-of-the-art surgery, expert therapy and rehabilitation, or bracing and other nonsurgical options, we offer a treatment plan that is safe and effective. Our goal is to help your child live a happier, higher quality of life.

Make an Appointment

We welcome new patients. Many children see us after a referral from their primary care providers – often due to back pain, weakness or abnormal results from a test or sports physical. However, no referral is needed.

Kelli Gawel, RN, our nurse coordinator at the Center for Spine Care, will work with you and your family as you seek care. She will schedule appointments and offer resources, education and support. To make an appointment, please call Kelli at 602-933-1941 or email her at kgawel [at] (kgawel[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com).

Unique Teamwork Offers Your Child an Advantage — Best Possible Care

At the Center for Spine Care, your child benefits because our neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons work together on complex cases in a partnership that you won’t find elsewhere. As needed, we offer you joint consultations. And we often team up in the operating room too.

Benefits for your child include:

  • Improved safety
  • Efficient, shorter surgeries
  • Less blood loss
  • Less time under anesthesia

Our combined neurological and orthopedic expertise offers your child the best possible outcome.

Your care team will likely include physicians from the Barrow Neurological Institute, Herbert J. Louis Center for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine and other specialists, including:

  • Neuroradiologists who diagnose disorders of the brain, skull and spine
  • Radiologists who use imaging technologies, such as low-dose EOS X-ray, to assess disease and deliver targeted treatments
  • Anesthesiologists who are trained to assist in spine surgeries
  • Physiatrists from the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department who focus on continuity of care and follow-up to maximize function and minimize complications
  • Occupational and physical therapists who work to maximize function, as well as regain strength and mobility

Full-Body X-ray System — A Natural View of your Child’s Spine

To start your child’s care process, we typically use our EOS Imaging System to ensure the most accurate images of your child’s spine. Our system allows us to scan your child’s body in a standing position. EOS X-rays use low-dose radiation and show us your child’s natural, weight-bearing posture.