Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program

We offer comprehensive care for children with inflammatory bowel disease, from diagnosis and treatment to long-term monitoring and management. We even help your child transition to an adult care provider when the time comes.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Correctly diagnosing your child’s condition is essential because it allows the treatment team to develop a personalized care plan that will lead to symptom relief and intestinal healing. Our pediatric gastroenterologists have extensive experience in diagnosing IBD. At your child’s appointment, the doctor will perform a thorough exam and order tests that may include:

  • Blood tests
  • Stool studies
  • Endoscopic procedures, which allow the doctor to view the digestive tract from the inside
  • Imaging tests, such as X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography

If your child is diagnosed with IBD, the pediatric gastroenterologist (GI) will develop an initial treatment plan.

After treatment begins, the doctor will monitor your child’s progress through office visits and regularly scheduled lab tests that measure intestinal healing. The doctor will also schedule a follow-up endoscopy or imaging tests to detect early warning signs of problems that might require medical treatment. The goal is to help your child have fewer flare-ups of disease and enjoy the best possible quality of life.

IBD Multidisciplinary Clinic

The GI specialist will encourage you to make an appointment with our IBD Multidisciplinary Clinic as soon as possible after your child’s diagnosis. This clinic ensures we care for your child holistically — addressing their overall health, nutritional and psychosocial needs.

During your IBD Multidisciplinary Clinic visit, your child will meet with multiple members of our healthcare team at once. Team members include:

  • A pediatric gastroenterologist who specializes in IBD and will discuss your child’s treatment plan with you and answer any questions you have.
  • A GI nurse practitioner to partner in your care.
  • A registered dietitian who provides guidance on diet and nutrition in IBD and works with you and your family to create a plan for nutritional health, growth and development.
  • A nurse coordinator who helps coordinate your child’s IBD care and shares educational resources.
  • A psychologist to provide emotional support and coping strategies.

Each team member will share information on their specific area of expertise with your child and family. Then, a clinical psychologist will meet with your child one-on-one to talk about how they are coping with their IBD diagnosis. The psychologist will assist with coping mechanisms and provide depression screening and overall wellness/mental health plan to help your child adjust to the challenges of living with IBD.

Depending on your child’s needs, an appointment may include time with other providers, such as:

  • A pediatric surgeon who will discuss surgical options with you and answer any questions you have
  • A pharmacist who specializes in IBD medications
  • A research coordinator who may share information about opportunities to participate in a research study

This appointment lasts about an hour. We will send your child’s GI specialist an after-visit summary, including any new treatment recommendations.

Your child will see their GI specialist for routine check-ups and monitoring and return to the IBD Multidisciplinary Clinic at least once a year for a thorough evaluation.

You’ll also have access to a social worker, who can help identify resources helpful in coping with the day-to-day challenges of living with IBD.


We encourage you to follow up your providers between appointments if you need guidance or support. We are here to help you navigate your IBD journey every step of the way.