NAFLD can be a life-long challenge and we’re committed to working with families for the long haul — whether that’s for a few months or several years.
NAFLD is a diagnosis of exclusion and based on history, physical exam, laboratory testing, images and biopsies. Tests to diagnose NAFLD may include:
To see if there is liver damage and to rule out other causes of your child’s liver problems. Usually, the liver enzymes that are elevated included ALT, AST and GGT.
To look for fat or other abnormalities in the liver.
May be used for diagnosis to stage and grade NAFLD or to rule out other causes of liver disease.
Often NAFLD brings on related conditions and disorders. We make sure each patient gets a whole-body approach to healing. When necessary, we’ll refer patients to Endocrinology, Pulmonology, Neurology, Nephrology or Cardiology.