The Trach and Airway Clinic at Phoenix Children’s provides specialized care for children and adolescents with a tracheostomy tube. Our team of physicians, nurses and respiratory therapists makes sure these kids and their families have the support they need to experience the best quality of life possible and avoid unnecessary hospitalizations.

About half of the children we treat have a neuromuscular condition, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Others have a pulmonary disease. Some receive additional breathing support from a ventilator, BiPap machine or another device.

Most families learn about the Trach and Airway Clinic during a hospital stay after their child has had a trach tube put in. One of our nurses typically comes to the child’s hospital room to talk to the family and let them know about the clinic.

Phoenix Children’s participates in the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative, which allows our team to participate in leading-edge research and share best practices with other children’s hospitals. This helps ensure patients receive the best care possible, both here and around the world.

What to Expect

Our team will see your child every three to six months. During your child’s appointments, they will see a pediatric pulmonologist, a nurse or nurse practitioner, and a respiratory therapist. These providers will:

  • Provide ongoing medical care related to your child’s trach and other respiratory support devices
  • Provide education and support to help you follow your child’s plan of care at home
  • Refer you to other specialists (ear, nose and throat; cardiology; gastroenterology, etc.)
  • Order medical tests as needed

Our nurse provides extensive support in between appointments and is your point of contact who can help:

  • Troubleshoot any problems with your child’s medical devices
  • Answer questions about your child’s care
  • Help with any issues related to ordering your child’s medical supplies

Your family will be provided with a “Trach to Go” bag, which is stocked with emergency supplies to help you be prepared for anything when you and your child are not at home. Our clinic also offers a free cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) refresher course for parents and caregivers.

Expertise in Vent Weaning

Weaning is an important goal for many children who are on a ventilator. The slow, steady process of weaning requires frequent clinic visits and teamwork. Our pediatric pulmonologists and respiratory therapists will work together to manage your child’s settings safely and make sure you feel confident with the process.