
Pulmonary research at Phoenix Children’s is helping advance our understanding of lung diseases and develop better therapies for children with these conditions. At Phoenix Children’s, this translates into cutting-edge care and access to the most promising new treatment options. Patients who participate in these studies sometimes have access to cutting-edge treatments that are not widely available.

Phoenix Children’s works with several local, national and international partners, sharing data with institutions worldwide to search for the best treatments and cures. These partners include national and international universities, research institutes, drug companies, the National Institutes of Health and major foundations such as the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Our physicians are engaged in a variety of research studies. To learn more about open clinical trials at Phoenix Children’s, talk to your child’s doctor or visit www.clinicaltrials.gov.

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) Research

Our BPD research includes a study for patients who have BPD and asthma. The study focuses on environmental factors that affect lung function. We also participate in a BPD database, which helps researchers better define how BPD affects patients and which treatments are most effective.

Cystic Fibrosis Research

Phoenix Children’s is accredited by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a recognition of the comprehensive, high-quality care we offer. As an accredited center, we participate in clinical trials, providing patients with early access to the latest medications, and leading a variety of efforts to test interventions and identify innovative ways to support people with CF.

One ongoing study is called IMPACT, which we hope will help researchers find better ways of diagnosing and treating infections in CF patients. The purpose of the study is to identify compounds that CF patients exhale and determine whether these compounds can detect certain airway infections.

We also participate in the national CF patient registry, which gathers and maintains data on participating patients. Researchers use this data to analyze medical practice patterns, clinical outcomes, mortality and morbidity rates and other factors related to CF care.

Additional Research

Additional areas of pulmonary research include:

  • Mapping genes that cause different diseases
  • Exploring how genetics may play a role in who develops BPD and how the disease affects the lungs
  • Testing new ways of monitoring oxygen saturation in infants who go home from the hospital on supplemental oxygen
  • Looking at the molecules in cells that influence whether a person develops diseases such as asthma and pulmonary hypertension
  • Studying whether prebiotic fiber supplements can improve outcomes for children with asthma