Tourette and Tic Disorders Program
At Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s, we treat tic disorders, Tourette’s and related conditions through our Tourette and Tic Disorders Program. Our providers collaborate across specialties and coordinate services to manage the following conditions:
- Tourette Syndrome: A neurological condition characterized by involuntary motor tics and vocalizations (verbal tics).
- Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorders: Persistent tics that may be motor (movement) or vocal (sound) but not both.
- Provisional Tic Disorders: Temporary or transient tic disorders, often appearing in childhood and resolving within a year.
- Complex Tic Disorders: Involving a combination of motor and vocal tics, sometimes accompanied by behavioral or emotional challenges.
You can find additional information about Tourette syndrome, including resources and support for children and families, at the Tourette Association of America.