Injury Prevention Program
Water Safety

Pool time is a popular part of sunny days in Arizona, and a great chance to cool off, splash and make memories with your kids. While constant, capable adult supervision is the best way to reduce drowning risk, properly using a vest-style life jacket approved by the U.S. Coast Guard is also essential.

There are many products on store shelves that look like water safety devices, but the only device that has been studied and shown to reduce drowning risk is a U.S. Coast Guard-approved vest-style life jacket. Puddle Jumpers, water wings (inflatable arm bands), pool noodles, floaties and tubes are pool toys and should never be used as water safety devices.

A vest-style life jacket should fit your child for their current weight, and all zippers, buckles and straps should be used every time. Remember, life jackets should never replace constant, capable supervision, but they are another layer of protection for keeping children safe in and around water.

Young children and non-swimmers should wear a vest-style life jacket whenever they are in or near the swimming pool or any body of water. Together, parents and their children can take water play classes to get familiar and comfortable with being in and around water. These classes introduce toddlers to being in the water with their parent or caregiver. Between the ages of 4 and 6 years, most children are ready for independent swim lessons. At this age, they can more quickly learn and remember basic water competency skills such as floating and treading water.

To learn more about Phoenix Children’s Water Safety program, please visit