The challenges of COVID-19, the recent tragedy involving George Floyd and the protests that have followed have been difficult times for the world. Phoenix Children’s will always stand true to its mission to provide the highest quality medical care and treat all children and their families with equal love and compassion, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstance. This is a mission for which we stand proud.

We also remain steadfast in our commitment to advocate for all children by focusing on social determinants of health, which include racism and the important role race plays in creating disparities in child health and well-being. Though we have strong advocacy and action around behavioral health, homelessness, child abuse, and adverse childhood experiences, Phoenix Children’s must continue to prioritize equality and enhanced opportunities for children of all races.

In order to provide world-class medical care, Phoenix Children’s hires top-quality pediatric leaders. Phoenix Children’s is proud of our diverse staff, who represent all races and ethnic backgrounds. Our diversity is our strength: This is a family of which we are proud.

We are deeply saddened by the death of George Floyd, and we respect every person’s right to express their opinions and feelings regarding this tragedy and pursuit of racial equality either personally or through peaceful protest. Through all times, regardless of circumstances, Phoenix Children’s remains a beacon of light for all people to come to us in times of need knowing they will be received and cared for with equal warmth and compassion.

My sincere appreciation and gratitude go out to all who support our mission and our Phoenix Children’s family, and to all those who will join in our continuing efforts for equality.


Bob Meyer
President and CEO
Phoenix Children’s