The Center for Heart Care has long served as the training site for Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease for residents, medical students, and internal medicine cardiology fellows throughout the state of Arizona. We have an established track record of education and have long been recognized as preparing residents to excel in cardiology fellowship programs nationwide. Building upon this experience, we are now proud to offer a 3-year ACGME approved Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program.

As the 5th largest Pediatric Heart Center in the nation, the learning opportunities at Phoenix Children’s Hospital are unparalleled. Phoenix Children’s is the only freestanding children’s hospital in Arizona – a state with a population of 6.4 million, 1.63 million of whom are under 18 years of age. Widely regarded as the premier congenital cardiac center in the Southwest, the Center for Heart Care's referral base extends beyond the borders of Arizona to include portions of southern Utah, New Mexico, and West Texas. This large catchment area brings with it a diversity of diseases, from the most common to the exceptionally rare. The variety of diseases, along with the geographic, economic, and cultural diversity present across this wide region will provide our graduates with unique opportunities and challenges, and prepare them for any future practice environment.

Arizona is an incredible place to live, work, and train. In 2018, Phoenix regained its title as the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the nation. The region boasts the sunniest days of any city in the nation (over 300 per year), and outdoor activities abound. Summers are warm, but they are more than made up for by the other 3 seasons. The year-round average temperature in Phoenix is 75 degrees (the average high temperature in the winter is 67 degrees). Phoenix boasts franchises in all four major professional sports, is home to spring training, numerous college football bowl games, and a professional golf tournament, and routinely hosts the NCAA basketball championship tournament and the Super Bowl. Snow skiing is available 2 ½ hours to the north, and the beach is available 2 ½ hours to the south. Phoenix Sky Harbor airport serves as a hub for 2 major airlines, ensuring that family and friends in the continental United States are never more than 4 hours away by air.


Byron J. Garn, MD
Program Director
bgarn [at] (bgarn[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com)

Ericka L. Scheller McLaughlin, DO
Associate Program Director
emclaughlin1 [at] (emclaughlin1[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com)

Marissa Romo
Program Administrator
P: 602-933-1864
mromo [at] (mromo[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com)