Arthrogryposis Clinic

Arthrogryposis, also called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), is a set of conditions characterized by stiffness and loss of motion in more than one joint. This stiffness is caused by shortening and hardening of muscles, tendons or other tissue (contractures).

Arthrogryposis can be mild or severe. Symptoms vary and may include: 

  • Curvature of the spine
  • Difficulty moving the arms and legs
  • Joints that are fixed in one position
  • Weak or missing muscles
  • Webbing or other differences in the skin around the joints

Children are born with the condition or syndrome causing their arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis is permanent, but symptoms don’t get worse over time and can be treated. In fact, early treatment for arthrogryposis is often very successful at improving or restoring movement to help children live healthy, active lives.

There are more than 300 conditions that can lead to arthrogryposis. These conditions fall into three categories based on the parts of the body most affected: limbs, limbs and other parts of the body or limbs and the central nervous system

Our experts at the Arthrogryposis Clinic evaluate and treat children with arthrogryposis and its associated conditions, including:

  • Amyoplasia: A type of arthrogryposis involving shortening, tightening or wearing away of the muscle supporting your joints in the arms and legs.
  • Congenital myopathies/muscular dystrophies
  • Distal arthrogryposis: A type of arthrogryposis involving permanent bending of the joints in the hands and feet, including fingers and toes.
  • Other forms of arthrogryposis