Our colorectal specialists treat conditions affecting bowel, abdominal and genital structures, including complex cloaca malformations and other colorectal and pelvic disorders. The team at Phoenix Children’s colorectal clinic includes experts in pediatric medicine, colorectal/cloaca surgery, urology, genetics, fetal and neonatal care, reproductive medicine and other specialties. We offer coordinated, continuous care from before and after birth through the teen years and into adulthood.
Phoenix Children’s collaborates with international leaders, including the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (PCPLC). Leading surgeons, scientists and specialists drive research that improves care and quality of life for kids. Areas of research include anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung disease (a colorectal nerve disorder affecting bowel function) and other conditions.

How We Help Kids Heal and Thrive
When a child is diagnosed with a colorectal condition, there are many questions and concerns. Children and families face immediate and long-term challenges. Kids may have painful symptoms, internal and external deformities, and sensitive problems such as constipation or fecal incontinence.
No two children or conditions are alike. Doctors and parents need a lot of tools in their toolbox to help kids achieve medical and personal success. Our family-centered care and cutting-edge services are dedicated to helping each family with their own healthcare journey.
Our team has performed many procedures, including minimally invasive approaches. We pay close attention to the needs of children during important stages of life, including potty training and starting school. Kids and families have regular clinic visits, as well as fun out-of-the-hospital gatherings. They make new friends, share stories and learn from others facing similar challenges.
The colorectal clinic at Phoenix Children’s offers:
Many conditions require management throughout life. We customize care by putting the right medical and surgical specialists on your team. You can meet with multiple team members from surgery, urology, adolescent gynecology or other specialties at the same time and place. Our coordinators get to know you as they help organize your personal team and keep everything on track.
We treat a wide range of conditions, including rare congenital defects, such as cloacal malformation. Our surgeons use advanced techniques, including minimally invasive procedures and reconstructive surgery, to repair defects, streamline recovery and improve outcomes.
Our specialists assist with everything from prenatal evaluation and birth plans to early and ongoing care for babies. Newborns may need surgery and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) care shortly after birth. Our team is here to offer expert care and guidance from the earliest moments of life.
We care for new and existing patients at various ages and stages of life, from infancy to young adulthood. We know that these special patients need experts who understand each child’s condition and changing anatomy. We can address specific problems as they arise at any age. As adolescents approach adulthood, Phoenix Children’s transitional/adult congenital clinic connects young adults to trusted adult care providers.
Colorectal conditions affect every part of an adolescent’s life during times that may already be difficult for teens. We’re leaders in offering dedicated, teen-focused care. We hear their concerns and offer personalized ways to help teens and families cope. We help smooth out bumps in the road of adolescent life. Our teen patients feel empowered as they learn and grow.
Research Keeps Care on the Leading Edge
Our doctors participate in national team efforts to advance care for patients with colorectal and pelvic conditions. We keep you informed about ways that your family can benefit from the work and resources of leading groups, including:
- Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (PCPLC) – The PCPLC maintains a comprehensive database related to managing pediatric colorectal disease in North America. Our participation and group research findings help us identify and apply the latest, most effective approaches to care.
- Differences of Sexual Development (DSD) – Translational Research Network (TRN) – Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the DSD-TRN studies and advances care for complex pediatric conditions. These include the causes and complications of sex development differences after disruptions during typical male or female development in the womb.