Developmental Pediatrics

A child may have difficulty at home, school or both and experience feelings of frustration, anger and sadness. These difficulties vary and may include areas of behavior, attention, learning, motor coordination and other areas of development.

We see children from birth to age 18 who are referred to us by their primary physician, a teacher, therapist, friend or other health professional. The Developmental Pediatrics Program features several clinics that enhance patient care, including:

Our pediatricians are board-certified and have received additional training in developmental-behavioral pediatrics. They focus on:

  • Child development and behavior
  • Learning to integrate other sub-specialties
  • Accessing community services
  • Advocating for children
  • Evaluating the child as part of the whole family

Related Clinics

  • ADHD Medication Management Clinic
  • Developmental Delay Diagnostic Clinic

What to Expect During Your Child’s Evaluation

Our goal is always to understand each child’s strengths and needs, to determine what is typical and what is not, and to offer services that help a child grow and develop to the best of their ability. 

The first part of the evaluation process is a history that includes medical, developmental, behavioral, social and familial backgrounds. All of this information is vital to evaluating the whole child and understanding how they fit into this particular family, community and school. 

Physical and neurological exams are also part of the evaluation process. A developmental assessment may include a variety of standardized tests, questionnaires, observations and demonstrations. These evaluations may be formal (with the child) or informal (observing the child at play and interacting with parents, loved ones and the examiner).