Lysosomal Storage Disease Center

The Lysosomal Storage Disease Center is a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience in the care of pediatric and adult patients with Lysosomal Storage Disease.

We coordinate care for children and adults with rare and complex disorders, including:

  • Fabry disease
  • Gaucher disease
  • MPS1 (Hurler, Hurler-Scheie or Scheie syndrome)
  • MPSII (Hunter syndrome)
  • MPS IV (Morquio syndrome)
  • MPSVI (Maroteaux-Lamy)
  • Pompe disease
  • Niemann-Pick disease
  • Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, including Wolman disease


Treatment for these disorders depends on multiple factors, including patient and family history, signs and symptoms of the disorder, medications available and patient and family preference. We work with patients and families to accurately diagnose and treat Lysosomal Storage diseases in order to support the best quality of life.