Neurocritical Care Program

Through advanced neurological monitoring, neuroimaging and precision-based care, our dedicated Neurocritical Care team focuses on the acute detection and management of acute brain injuries in the intensive care unit (ICU) environment, and the long-term management of patients suffering from such injury through our outpatient ICU follow-up clinics. Our team provides inpatient consultations for patients in the pediatric, cardiac, and neonatal ICU.

In addition to our clinical specialists, we implement advanced methods to monitor brain function and guide therapy against neurological deterioration, including:

  • Continuous video EEG monitoring to detect seizures and changes in cerebral electrical activity
  • Multimodal monitoring to assess cerebral autoregulation and brain compliance
  • Transcranial doppler ultrasound to measure cerebral blood flow
  • Intracranial pressure monitoring
  • Cerebral and somatic regional oximetry
  • Brain tissue oxygenation
  • Pupillometry to assess autonomic function
  • CT and MR neuroimaging
  • Resting-state functional MRI
  • Cerebral angiography