We fully support vaccination of infants, children, and adolescents. Strong evidence-based science clearly demonstrates that vaccines are both safe and effective. 

We endorse the current vaccine schedule for infants, children, and adolescents as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). This schedule is regularly evaluated and revised as necessary by medical experts and scientists in the fields of pediatrics, infectious disease, immunology, and public health. As such, PCP does not endorse or support any alternative vaccine schedules that deviate from the well-studied schedule delineated by the CDC, AAP and ACIP. 

We are advocates for disease prevention. In many instances, the best method to prevent disease is with immunization. Due to the overwhelming success of immunizations, many vaccine-preventable diseases are no longer seen with regularity. This combined with vaccine misinformation has contributed to vaccine hesitancy and declining immunization rates in some portions of the United States and throughout the world. Unfortunately, some diseases that are readily preventable with immunization are now increasing in frequency. These diseases (such as pertussis and measles) are life threatening diseases and can result in severe complications including death, all of which are preventable with appropriate vaccination.

We recognize that some infants, children, and adolescents are not able to obtain all vaccinations due to specific contraindications. The CDC, AAP, and ACIP are continually reviewing and updating these contraindications and we follow them closely. As such, we recognize some medical exemptions to vaccinations do exist; however, it is important to know that the only medical exemption for a specific vaccination is a contraindication to that immunization specifically as outlined by the CDC, AAP, and ACIP. Contraindication to one vaccine is not a contraindication to all vaccines.

We acknowledge the vaccine hesitancy present in society. We also recognize the numerous studies conducted with careful and accurate research and science which clearly demonstrate vaccines do NOT cause autism or other developmental disabilities nor does the preservative thimerosal, which is now only present in multi-dose vials of the influenza vaccine. 

We recognize that the thought or process of immunizing your child may be difficult as it is hard for us as parents to watch our children experience discomfort. It is equally difficult for us as parents and PCP providers to watch our patients suffer needlessly from vaccine preventable diseases. We do not support spacing out vaccines in a manner that differs from the schedule outlined by the CDC, AAP, and ACIP as there is no science to support that doing so is any safer. In fact, there is excellent science to support that following the recommended schedule is safe, effective and does not overwhelm a child’s immune system. What can overwhelm a child’s immune system are the very diseases that are prevented with immunization. Spacing out vaccines in a manner that differs from the recommended schedule also increases the amount of time that a child is susceptible to these diseases and unnecessarily increases the number of visits required to fully vaccinate the child. 

We are committed to the best medical care for our patients and their families, but also recognize our stewardship role to other members of the community who are not our patients. Choosing to not vaccinate your child not only subjects your child to undue risk of infection, disease, and death, but also places other members of society who cannot receive all vaccinations at increased risk of infection, disease, and death. This includes those too young to be vaccinated, those who have a true medical contraindication to a vaccination, the elderly, and people undergoing medical care for cancer and other serious health care conditions. We recognize our role in keeping the community healthier through the vaccination of our patients. 

It is important for parents to understand that our after-hours triage service operates under the assumption that every child is up to date on routine immunizations (unless an actual medical exemption to a specific vaccine exists). Advice and medical counseling are given based upon this expectation. Advice and/or medical counseling has the potential to be very different for a child who is not fully immunized, even for something as simple as a fever or cough. 

We understand the difficulty in making the choice to vaccinate given the pervasiveness of inaccurate statements about vaccinations. We fervently hope that our patients and their families understand that our commitment is to our patients, their health, and their safety as well as the greater good of the community. We would certainly not recommend a medical intervention we would not also recommend for our own children or family members. 

We will discuss age appropriate vaccines at each opportunity presented. We are more than happy to answer questions and address any concerns you have about vaccines. We are happy to provide any information that we can. We are hopeful our patients and their families will agree that the very best medical care is to be fully vaccinated. 

Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics is pro-vaccine. We support the immunization schedule as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control, (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

Why does my child need to receive vaccinations?

Vaccinations are the best method to prevent numerous serious and life- threatening disease in children and adults. Vaccines are safe and effective. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), vaccination has reduced the number of infections from vaccine-preventable disease by more than 90 percent. Declining immunization rates have resulted in a resurgence of some fatal diseases that are entirely prevented by vaccine.  Complete immunization requires multiple vaccines doses to create a full immune response. We support and follow the carefully studied vaccine schedule outlined by the AAP, CDC and ACIP to achieve safe and complete vaccination. We are happy to discuss any vaccine concerns you may have. 

What is Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics’ policy on immunizations?

Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics clinics are pro-vaccine and support the immunization schedule as outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The providers at Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics share your concern for your child’s health and safety and are rigorous in the review and best-practice of vaccine safety and necessity prior to recommending them. We feel strongly that vaccinations are necessary for disease prevention. In regions of the country that experience more parents opting out of vaccines, there are more resurgences of vaccine-preventable illnesses. We strongly recommend your children receive all recommended vaccines as outlined by the well-studied and regularly reviewed schedule published by the AAP, CDC and ACIP. We do not encourage delaying or splitting up vaccinations.