Written abstracts should be submitted in English and must be limited to 300 words. Abstracts should include the following elements: title; last name, first name, and degree of each author; institution where the research was performed (include city and state or country); background/hypothesis, materials and methods, results (include statistics if appropriate), and conclusions. Title should be type in upper case and define the topic and not contain abbreviations. Generic names for pharmaceuticals, biologic and medical devices should be used in place of trade names. Tables and figures will be accepted as images and should be numbered and titled/described clearly. Submit the abstract as an attachment to fetalcardio [at] phoenixchildrens.com with the subject line “Abstract Submission” to alert Nikki Dillon, Symposium Coordinator, of your submission. Deadline for written abstract submission is August 5, 2024.

Authors will be notified by email no later than August 26, 2024, as to the acceptance status of the abstract. Oral abstract presentations will take place during the General Session in the main ballroom on Friday through Sunday, November 8-10, 2024. Presenters will receive notification of the date and time of their presentation by email. If your case is accepted for presentation, please bring your presentation on laptop or thumb drive. Presenters should bring their laptop or thumb drive to the AV table at the back of the main ballroom no later than the break prior to the scheduled presentation time.

Additionally, an electronic version (PPT or Keynote) of accepted abstracts will be on display throughout the Symposium for attendees to view. Past Symposium’s accepted abstracts were published in a peer reviewed journal, and we plan to publish accepted abstracts again this year with each individual author’s permission.

A $100 registration discount will be given to one author of each accepted abstract.  A discount code for use at the time of registration will be provided upon acceptance. 

The winner of the 2024 Symposium Best Abstract presentation will be announced on the last day of the Symposium and acknowledged in the published abstract collection! 

Symposium registrants are invited to submit a “Case that Gave Me Chest Pain” for oral presentation during the General Session. A “Case that Gave Me Chest Pain” presentation will be no longer than 8 minutes with no more than 10 Powerpoint/Keynote slides. This case should be a challenging fetal cardiac case that illustrates either a rare fetal cardiac diagnosis or a challenging variation of a more common fetal cardiac diagnosis. Only cases with de-identified images will be accepted for presentation. There will be approximately 4 minutes for moderator and audience discussion after the presentation.

Deadline for submitting cases is August 5, 2024. To submit your case for review, email Nikki Dillon at fetalcardio [at] phoenixchildrens.com to request a link to upload the slide presentation. Authors will be notified by email no later than August 30, 2024 with the acceptance status of the case.

Presentations will occur during the General Session in the main ballroom on Friday and Saturday, November 8 & 9, 2024. Presenters will receive notification of the date and time of their presentation by email. If your case is accepted for presentation, please bring your presentation on laptop or thumb drive ensuring that your video clips play smoothly. Presenters should bring their laptop or thumb drive to the AV table at the back of the main ballroom no later than the break prior to the scheduled presentation time.

A $100 registration discount will be given to one author of each accepted case presentation.  A discount code for use at the time of registration will be provided upon acceptance.

In the spirit of fun competition, the Symposium Organizers will announce the winner of the best case presentation on the last day of the Symposium to present the “2024 Norman H. Silverman Nitroglycerin Award” which has been awarded to the best case presentation each year since 2016! Judging will be based on the quality of presentation, the interesting nature of the case, and the severity of chest pain induced in the audience!

For further details, you may contact Nikki Dillon, Symposium Coordinator, at fetalcardio [at] phoenixchildrens.com (fetalcardio[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com) or 602-933-0099.