Having a baby is a time of mixed feelings — from elation to exhaustion to abject fear. For some women, the hormonal changes during and after pregnancy result in mental health issues that can affect baby as well. Postpartum depression is the most common and most discussed perinatal mood disorder, but anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder and even psychosis can begin during pregnancy or months after birth.

Phoenix Children’s is committed to giving moms and babies a good start before and after birth. Our Center for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health focuses on preventing, identifying, treating, and managing mental health symptoms and disorders that can affect women and their babies during and after pregnancy. We work with moms and their families to make sure moms get the mental health care and support they need, so they and their babies can thrive.

It’s Okay to Need Help

Much is made of the need to put your baby first, and your baby’s welfare does depend on you. But if you’re not OK, your baby won’t be either. Every baby deserves a healthy and happy mom, and every mom deserves to have that beautiful experience.

We’re experienced in safely and effectively treating mental health symptoms and disorders in new and expectant moms so they can be happy and healthy for their own sake as well as their baby’s. Whether you’ve already had mental health issues or are having symptoms for the first time, it’s important to reach out for help.

Well-meaning friends and family members — and sometimes even healthcare professionals — may tell you it’s normal for new or expectant moms to feel down, scared, exhausted, overwhelmed or “emotional.” While emotional ups and downs may be normal, your intuition may be telling you it’s too much. Be sure to listen — and get the help you need. 


Right now, your baby is the most important person in your life — and vice versa. If you’re not happy — if you’re always feeling sad, scared, guilty or anxious, or if you can’t seem to control your thoughts — you and your baby won’t have the positive, bonding experience that every mom and baby deserve.

At the Center for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, you’ll find a team that understands. Our team members — from psychologists, social workers and other mental health professionals to our nurses and administrative staff — have committed their professional lives to helping moms and families who are struggling with mental health challenges. We can help you find your path to wholeness and a healthy, loving relationship with your baby.

Children and families always come first at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Our Center for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health is crucial to that commitment. We have long known the importance of effective mental health care during pregnancy and after giving birth, especially when a pregnancy is complicated or a baby needs hospital care. We’re not only helping moms and families directly; we’re also educating other healthcare professionals and working to improve mental health care for women and moms for future generations.