We believe in assessing the “whole child” by addressing not only the cognitive symptoms of your child's illness but also screening for emotional and educational needs.
Our neuropsychology team manages care and special services for children with challenges caused by medical conditions that affect brain function and development. Our program is highly respected and in demand, with patients being referred from across the state and beyond.
The first step in our process is a thorough evaluation designed to gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s needs. Our evaluation is activity-based and noninvasive, ensuring that it is both engaging and non-threatening.
Our experienced staff is skilled in creating a supportive and comfortable environment. This helps to ease any concerns and make the experience as positive as possible for your child.
We will assess:
- Adaptive functioning
- Attention and concentration
- Cognitive and intellectual abilities
- Executive functioning (planning, organizing information)
- Fine motor coordination
- Learning and memory
- Processing speed
- Screening of mood, behavior and immediate expression of emotion (affect)
- Screening of academic achievement
- Use of language (expressive and receptive language)
- Visual/spatial functioning
The evaluation establishes a baseline and helps us understand your child’s strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. With this detailed understanding, we can create a thorough report and offer tailored recommendations to support your child’s development.
If necessary, we will conduct follow-up assessments. Typically, these are every one to three years, to monitor progress and adjust our recommendations, as needed. This ongoing evaluation ensures that we continue to meet your child’s evolving needs effectively.
How We Can Help
After your child’s strengths and challenges have been identified, we can help guide treatment strategies for your child’s primary healthcare provider. And we will recommend ways to help your child learn most effectively at home and at school. We can also help you, your child and family better understand your child’s condition, what to expect, how to cope and how to help your child thrive.
IEPs and 504 Plans
If needed, we can make recommendations for your child’s Section 504 plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to help your child’s school meet your child’s needs.
- A 504 plan (named after section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act) offers guidance about how to help your child overcome barriers to learning in a regular classroom.
- An IEP provides a plan for your child’s needs through special education.
If you would like your child’s school to evaluate your child for special education services, you will need to write a note to the school. The note should be dated and indicate your concerns and the child’s medical condition. For example:
“Based on my child’s medical condition of [insert medical condition], as well as our academic concerns [such as, reading, mathematics, focus], we are requesting they be evaluated for support services either through a Section 504 or Individualized Education Plan.”
Follow Up and Resources
Some children do not need follow-up after the initial evaluation and recommendations. Others need to visit every one to three years.
During these regular visits, we will assess your child’s development and progress and make any needed changes to our recommendations. In some cases, medicine or surgery can help treat the underlying condition or its symptoms. Our team works with other specialists and healthcare providers to make sure your child will get the care they need.
If needed, we can recommend rehabilitative services, such as occupational therapy. We can also refer you to resources in the community to help your child have positive childhood experiences and to help make life easier for you and your family.