Referring a patient to Phoenix Children's is easy and convenient. We value the relationship we have with community pediatricians who play a critical role in providing high-quality medical care in Arizona. We look forward to working with you and your patients to ensure they receive the top quality care they deserve. 

Phoenix Children’s makes it easy for community providers to connect with our nationally recognized specialists and programs to get your patients the care they need. Connected Care Center (602-933-3627) is the only phone call you need for Phoenix Children’s admissions, referrals and subspecialty consultations. 

Our Connected Care Center Admissions Center is staffed 24/7 with highly skilled nurses who make the referral process seamless and simple for you. Our team will triage your call and connect you with the Phoenix Children’s resource you need – when you need it.

It is easy to admit or transfer a patient directly to Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Call the Connected Care Center line, and our nurses will gather the information we need to ensure a smooth transition.

Information Needed:

  • Referring physician name
  • Patient name and date of birth
  • Diagnosis and relevant patient history
  • Last set of vital signs
  • Recent or relevant labs/imaging studies
  • Best contact phone number for referring physician

Our Connected Care Center nurses can accept your patient on behalf of the Phoenix Children’s Hospital ED physicians. However, in some cases, a provider to provider discussion is needed. If you would like to speak to a provider in the ED, let us know and we will get you connected.  

Information Needed:

  • Referring physician name
  • Patient name and date of birth
  • Diagnosis and relevant patient history
  • Last set of vital signs
  • Recent or relevant labs/imaging studies
  • Best contact phone number for referring physician

Please be prepared to have the referring physician to join the call if needed for our doctor to doctor acceptance.

We’re available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to help with scheduling an urgent appointment with a specialist or change an existing appointment to an urgent appointment.

When you request to change your patient’s appointment due to their clinical status, our nurses will work with our schedulers to obtain an earlier appointment date and time.

Information Needed:

  • Currently scheduled appointment date and time
  • Referring physician name
  • Patient name and date of birth
  • Is this an established patient?
  • What is the reason for the visit?
  • What is the most appropriate timeframe for the patient to be seen?
  • Best contact phone number for referring physician

We value our partnership with community pediatricians and the critical role you play in providing high-quality care for children. When your patient needs specialty care from Phoenix Children’s, we want the referral process to be as simple as possible. The Connected Care Center line is all you need.

Our team is available to help with your request for a consultation with a Phoenix Children’s specialist, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Information Needed:

  • Requesting provider’s name, facility or practice
  • Cell phone number (mobile phone required to ensure direct connect with specialist)
  • Patient name and date of birth
  • Is this an established patient?
  • Details or notes the referring provider would like to share

Phoenix Children’s also offers HealthPoint Online Referrals – a web-based program for providers in our network. 


When you refer or transfer your patient to Phoenix Children’s, you can use PowerShare to upload any images that need to accompany your patient. PowerShare is a secure application for sharing images with referring physicians. It is HIPAA compliant and allows for immediate access to images anytime – from anywhere.


Some departments have guidelines or forms you can use to help make the transition to Phoenix Children’s specialized care as smooth as possible for you and your patient.

Referral Forms

Radiology Referral Form

Surgery Referral Form

Referral Checklist for Referring Provider - Cellular Therapy Program

Phoenix Children’s offers programs and services in a wide range of medical and surgery specialties. This includes our Centers of Excellence and our nationally ranked specialties.

For your convenience, our Quick Reference Guide is a directory of phone numbers for each Phoenix Children’s department and facility.

Fetal Care Center

If you are an obstetrician with a patient at high-risk or with a complicated pregnancy, our Fetal Care Center will be your partner in the support and care of your patient and her baby. We collaborate with you and other providers, including maternal fetal medicine (MFM), neonatology and other Phoenix Children’s medical and surgical specialists, to develop a plan of care that’s right for mom and baby – and their family. 

For more information about our Fetal Care Center and the services we provide, please call 602-933-4411 or email fetalcarecenter [at] (fetalcarecenter[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com).

1 Darn Cool School

Phoenix Children’s has an on-site school and school re-entry program for children who are hospitalized for more than five days. Children can keep up to date with their education in a productive and positive environment that helps lower anxiety with a normal routine and an active, healthy mind.

The school program is available to all children who are currently enrolled in Kindergarten – 12th grade or special education, ages 5 to 21 years. For more information, please call the classroom at 602-933-1706 or email the school at OneDarnCoolSchool [at] (OneDarnCoolSchool[at]Phoenixchildrens[dot]com)

We offer many diagnostic tests, procedures and services throughout the Valley, including Phoenix Children’s Hospital main campus. 

View available tests, procedures and services.