It is the responsibility of the Medical Staff office to thoroughly review and verify credentialing and privileging information on every applicant. We evaluate the practitioner’s ability, and current competency to provide quality patient care, and minimize risk. We coordinate activities of the Medical Staff organization, provide support to Medical Staff leadership, committees, and maintain compliance with regulatory agencies.


medicalstaffservices [at] (medicalstaffservices[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com)
P: 602-933-4681
F: 602-933-2467



Phoenix Children's Medical Staff Officers

Categories of Medical/Allied Health Staff Membership

Active Staff Qualifications

  • Be involved in a minimum of fifty patient contacts at the Hospital over a 24-month period. A patient contact includes any admission, consultation, or procedure, response to emergency call, evaluation, treatment or service performed in any facility operated by the Hospital. 
  • Members may be appointed to this category at initial appointment where it is anticipated they will meet this criterion. If they have not completed a minimum of fifty patient contacts over a 24-month period, their category status will be changed to Associate. Otherwise, after initial appointment, category status will be assigned at reappointment time based on contact activity during the previous 24-month period or can be re-evaluated at any time by request of the Medical Staff member.

Active Staff Qualifications

  • Be interested in the clinical affairs of the hospital and hold Privileges to actively manage patient care or to refer and follow hospitalized patients.
  • Admit or otherwise be involved in the care or treatment of less than fifty patient contacts within a 24 month period.
  • Engage in the active practice of medicine at some location, to allow the Medical Staff and Board to assess the Practitioner’s compliance with membership and privileging requirements.


  • The Affiliate Medical Staff category is comprised of physicians who have an active practice within the geographic service area of the Hospital as defined by the Board who wish to be affiliated with the Hospital but do not admit, manage, treat, or provide care to patients in the Hospital.
  • Affiliate Medical Staff members do not have clinical privileges and may not write inpatient orders or progress notes or perform diagnostic studies or therapeutic interventions on inpatients.

Additional Resources

To request an application for Medical Staff Privileges, please email us at medicalstaffservices [at] (medicalstaffservices[at]phoenixchildrens[dot]com).

To request a Hospital Affiliation letter, please click here.