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Bright Futures

Articles and Updates from Phoenix Children's

Diciembre 18, 2020
Your Mask Protects Me, My Mask Protects You
My Mask Protects You, Your Mask Protects Me

Earlier this month, Arizona added 12,314 new COVID-19 cases in a single day. This was the highest our state has ever recorded. Confirmed cases have steadily increased since October, reinforcing the need for all of us to continue social distancing, avoid large groups, practice good handwashing and very importantly, wear a mask. 

At Phoenix Children’s, we care for children who are medically complex and highly vulnerable. Protecting them, their families and their clinicians during this pandemic is paramount, which is why we require all visitors and patients ages 2 years and older to wear a mask or face covering.  Although the COVID-19 vaccine has been authorized for emergency use, most of the general U.S. population will not be fully vaccinated until Summer 2021. Thus, wearing a mask and practicing other public health precautions are now more important than ever, as Arizona faces a surge in COVID-19 infections.

When we wear a mask, we protect those around us. But we also protect ourselves – masks have been shown to significantly reduce coronavirus transmission.  Wearing a mask is important, even when we feel well. That’s because an estimated 20% of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic, meaning that people are carrying and spreading the infection without any signs of illness. I wear a mask because it protects those around me, especially the patients and families at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

Mask up, Arizona!

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